Small selection of artworks by Silke Krempien © MV Foto e.V. , Fotografin: Anne Jüngling
Small selection of artworks by Silke Krempien

Silke Krempien | Master Wood Carver

At the gates of Schwerin, master woodcarver Silke Krempien invites you to visit her workshop- gallery with garden. As a master woodcarver, Silke Krempien designs sculptures, pictures or jewellery, but also works as a restorer in churches and castles.

When she makes her sculptures, the material often dictates the form of the work to be created: "I am always looking for wood with knotholes and growths, which can sometimes be very hard to manage, but they inspire my imagination. Especially oak, which is my favourite kind of wood. You can also find woods from fruit trees, with their beautiful structures and shades of colour, in my work." In the last few years, Silke Krempien has integrated other materials into her creations, such as fossils, flotsam and other finds, as well as paper, fabric or metal.


Silke Krempien | Master Wood Carver

Silke Krempien im Interview

Audioguide Holzbildhauermeisterin Silke Krempien in Schwerin

Die Holzbildhauermeisterin Silke Krempien berichtet über den lebendigen Werkstoff Holz und über die Entstehung einiger besonderer Werke:  Der Rekonstruktion eines repräsentativen Portals in Herrenhausen bei Hannover und der Verewigung eines Zanders aus dem Schweriner See als Skulptur in Born am Darß.